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What to Do If You’ve Lost Your Car Keys

What to Do If You’ve Lost Your Car Keys

Your car keys are missing and you are searching for them everywhere- your car, home, even under every pile of paper. You can’t find it and all search are in vain. If you need a car key replacement, here is what you have to do.

Transponder Key:

Many modern vehicles are equipped with state-of-the-art anti-theft devices, such as a transponder.

Transponder keys have a computer chip that links your car and the key to get the vehicle started.  The chip transmits a serial number that is distinctive to your car. When the signal is received correctly, your car is unlocked.  

But, if the missing car keys have a transponder key, you have to go to your local dealership to have a key replaced. But you will have to provide your ID proof to prove the ownership. The dealership will make you a car key replacement by linking a new chip with your car. This could possibly cost you a few hundred dollars. A good auto spare parts dealer can help you at a reduced cost.

Swapping Traditional Car Keys

Although they are very rare, you may still have a traditional car key. Traditional car keys would not use a chip to unlock or start the ignition, and the replacement can be easier and cheaper than other types of car keys.

If you need a replacement, you can contact a local automotive locksmith who can build a duplicate key for you.   

Holding a Car Key Fob

If you have a car key fob and misplaced it, you may still have to use a traditional key to open the vehicle and ignite it. Standalone car key fobs are generally made with a utility perspective in mind and don’t unavoidably replace the capability.

Getting a brand new switchblade key and fob

A lot of the latest cars are equipped with a car key fob with a switchblade key. A switchblade-type key is a contraption that bends into a key handle and opens up at the touch of a button. The best place to replace a switchblade key and fob is with an authorized car dealer in UAE.


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